DNA - The molecule that carries genetic information allowing it to be passed from parent to offspring., Gene - A section of DNA that codes for a trait., Chromosome - Tightly wound up DNA that acts to protect and organise DNA., Nitrogenous base pairs - Nitrogen based molecules that, in pairs, form the rungs of the DNA ladder - made up of Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C) and Guanine (G). A always binds to T. C always binds to G., Phosphate sugar backbone - Alternating phosphates and sugar molecules that give DNA it's double helix shape. Base pairs always attach to these sugar molecules to form the rungs of the twisted ladder., Double Helix - The twisted ladder shape of DNA., Nucleus - The organelle inside of cells that holds DNA., Inheritance - The transfer of genetic information from parent to offspring, Genetic Variation - The genetic differences between individuals of the same species., Sexual Reproduction - The production of genetically varied offspring as a result of the combination of genetic material from two different parents., Asexual Reproduction - The production of genetically identical offspring as a result of a single parent reproducing on their own (or through cloning).,

Y10 LW Inheritance Vocabulary Task 1


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