These trousers don't fit me. - A wrong size or shape of clothes for your body, This dress suits you! - Looking good in something, This jumper doesn't go with the skirt. - It goes together (or not), it looks good together (or not), I dress up for the party. - To wear fancy clothes for some occasion, You should wear smart clothes for a job interview. - To wear formal clothes (a suit, dress, etc.), I usually wear casual clothes to school. - To wear everyday clothes, I took off a sweathirt. It was too hot! - Put clothes down your body, opposite of put on, Policemen wear uniforms. - Something people wear often, Italians dress well. - How people wear clothes, in what manner (style), I felt quite embarrassed because I overdressed for my boyfriend's birthday party. - Clothes someone was wearing were too formal or fancy for an event, We change our clothes before PE at school. - To wear something different for some reason (e.g. sport), I would like to try on this jacket. - To wear clothes you want ot buy in a fitting room,

Clothes - Collocations


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