1) Football is a popular sport. It … in many countries in the world. a) is played b) plays 2) Many movies … in Hollywood every year. a) are made b) make 3) I often go to the library and … some books to read. a) borrow b) are borrowed by 4) Our office … the cleaning crew every evening. a) cleans b) is cleaned by 5) The restaurant chef … really great food. a) cooks b) is cooked by 6) Millions of people … in airplanes every year. a) fly b) are flown by 7) New year’s Day … on January 1 in most countries of the world. a) is celebrated b) celebrates 8) He’s a famous actor. He … all over the world. a) knows b) is known 9) Most people … English in Australia. a) speak b) are spoken by 10) French ... in countries like France and Canada. a) speaks b) is spoken 11) When my car breaks down, it … mechanics at the garage. a) fixes b) is fixed by 12) The animals at the zoo … John, the zoo keeper. a) feed b) are fed by

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