collegue - I went to the bar with my ... after work, cups - I have too many ... in my kitch. One is for tea, another one for coffee and so on, middle class - Caputo talked about prepaid medicine attacking the ..., binge watch - There is a new series! I need to ... it with some chips and my cat , protest/demonstration - On the 29th there will be a ... in favour of  , take a toll on someone - The pandemic ... on my body. I didn't get sunlight and my mental health was horrible, long-distance - My partner and I have a ... relationship. We live in different towns, there is - In my hometown ... an excellent restaurant with the best empanadas, event - This weekend I'm attending an ... in the city, there was - I visited Australia and ... a kangaroo in my bedroom!, from - Today I'm working ... 9am to 8pm,

Revision of Vocab - Diana - April


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