1) vasárnap a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday 2) csütörtök a) Wednesday b) Thursday c) Friday 3) szombat a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday 4) péntek a) Wednesday b) Thursday c) Friday 5) kedd a) Monday b) Tuesday c) Wednesday d) Thursday 6) szerda a) Monday b) Tuesday c) Wednesday d) Thursday 7) hétfő a) Monday b) Tuesday c) Wednesday d) Thursday 8) Milyen nap van ma? a) What's this? b) What's the date today? c) What day is it today? 9) Szombat van. a) It's Friday. b) It's Sunday. c) It's Saturday. 10) Menjünk a parkba! a) There is a park. b) Let's go to the park. c) There isn't a park. 11) kisállatkereskedés a) pet shop b) shoe shop c) book shop d) toy shop 12) játékbolt a) pet shop b) shoe shop c) book shop d) toy shop 13) kisváros a) town b) city c) village 14) állatkert a) zoom b) zoo c) animals d) garden 15) élelmiszerbolt (bevásárlóközpont) a) shop b) market c) supermarket 16) fa a) flower b) plant c) tree 17) könyvesbolt a) pet shop b) shoe shop c) book shop d) toy shop 18) cipőbolt a) pet shop b) shoe shop c) book shop d) toy shop 19) Van egy park. a) There is a park. b) There is a cinema. c) There is a shop. d) There is a zoo. 20) Van egy állatkert. a) There is a park. b) There is a cinema. c) There is a shop. d) There is a zoo. 21) Van egy mozi Egerben. a) There is a park. b) There is a cinema. c) There is a shop. d) There is a zoo. e) There is a cinema in Eger. 22) 2 állatkert van. a) There are two shops. b) There are two zoos. c) There are two supermarkets. 23) 3 játékbolt van. a) There are two toy shops. b) There are four toy shops. c) There are three toy shops. d) There is a toy shop.


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