1) The traffic _______ awful during the rush hour. a) is b) are 2) Athletics ________ my favourite sport. a) is b) are 3) I bought ____________ new jeans. a) a pair of b) some 4) Harvey's clothes ___________ really expensive. a) look b) looks 5) The flight crew ___________ hard to make passengers comfortable. a) work b) works 6) I found out _________ interesting information at the meeting. a) some  b) a piece of 7) Could I have _____________ to write down the new words? a) a paper b) a piece of paper 8) I think I'll have ________ time after lunch to help you with that report. a) a b) some 9) I've got _________ good news for you about your job application. a) a b) some 10) We've made a lot of _____________ this term a) progress b) progresses 11) Hello, Reception? Do you have _________ iron I could use? a) an b) some

B2 Nouns


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