1) What is your favorite thing about each family member present? 2) Name the first positive family memory that comes to your mind 3) Name the first negative family member that comes to your mind 4) Tell me about a time where there was a conflict within the family, how did you all handle it? 5) What makes you feel loved by your family? 6) Describe a typical day in your family's life. 7) What is your favorite family tradition? 8) What is one way you can feel supported by your family? 9) What is one idea of an activity you and your family can do together? 10) Name something you want to hear more often from your family member(s)? 11) When do you feel the most heard by your family? 12) How do you like to receive praise? 13) What is your preferred way to ask your family for help? 14) What does forgiveness look like in your family? 15) When was the last time you had a good laugh with your family?

Family Therapy Question Activity


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