1) Ask a question! 2) How many are there in the world? 3) How many days are there in one year? 4) How many letters are there in the English alphabet? 5) How many days are there in February? 6) How many airports are there in your city? 7) How many countries are there in the world? 8) Ask a question! 9) How many planets are there in our solar system? 10) How many meters are there in one kilometre? 11) How many states are there in the United States? 12) How many oceans are there in the world? 13) Is there a good restaurant near your house? 14) Are there any parks near there? 15) Are there any fun things to do in your town or city? What? 16) Is there an easy way to learn English? What? 17) Finish this sentence: “There are ... near my home.” 18) Finish this sentence: “There is a ... near my home.”

There is / There are


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