1) I am aging and childless, I waited and waited. And when I heard the promise that I have a son, I laughed! Who am I? a) Hannah b) Hagar c) Sarah d) Rebekah 2) I cried out to God and prayed for a child. I made a vow to God and kept my promise. Who am I? a) Sarah b) Hannah c) Hagar d) Rachel 3) I am the first mother on earth and went through the suffering of childbirth. Who am I? a) Sarah b) Rebekah c) Eve d) Hagar 4) I gave birth to my child at an old age. My baby was the cousin of Jesus. Who am I? a) Mary b) Elizabeth c) Deborah d) Rachel 5) I was there when my son performed the first miracle. I was also there when my son was nailed on the cross. Who am I? a) Elizabeth b) Mary c) Rachel d) Martha 6) When I was pregnant, the babies struggled inside me. I gave birth to a set of twins. Who am I? a) Hagar b) Jochebed c) Deborah d) Rebekah 7) I had three children, Aaron, Miriam and Moses. I saved my baby from drowning. Who am I? a) Rebekah b) Ruth c) Jochebed d) Naomi

Mothers of the Bible


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