1) вставать, просыпаться a) make (my) bed b) have breakfast c) brush (my) hair d) get up 2) застилать кровать a) have breakfast b) get dressed c) make (my) bed d) wash (my) hands and face 3) делать зарядку a) get dressed b) do (my) exercises c) brush (my) hair d) wash (my) hands and face 4) умываться a) wash (my) hands and face b) brush (my) teeth c) do (my) exercises d) in the morning 5) расчесываться a) brush (my) hair b) do (my) exercises c) go to school d) wash (my) hands and face 6) завтракать a) get dressed b) get up c) have breakfast d) make (my) bed 7) чистить зубы a) brush (my) teeth b) have breakfast c) do (my) exercises d) make (my) bed 8) одеваться a) make (my) bed b) get dressed c) do (my) exercises d) get up 9) идти в школу a) in the morning b) go to school c) make (my) bed d) do (my) exercises 10) утром a) have breakfast b) in the morning c) go to school d) wash (my) hands and face

form 4_Unit 3_lesson 2_Vocabulary


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