homeostasis - regulation of physical and chemical factors of internal environment within normal range, temperature - example of physical factor of the internal environment, blood sugar level - example of chemical factor of the internal enviornment, vasodilation meaning - arterioles dilate, body temperature rises above normal - adrenal gland less stimulated to secrete adrenalie, body temperature drops below normal - vasoconstriction occurs, blood sugar level drops below normal - pancreas stimulated to secrete glucagon, blood sugar level increase above normal - pancreas secrete insulin, insulin - stimulate conversion of excess glucose into glycogen, glucagon - stimulate conversion of glycogen into glucose, carbonic acid - carbon dioxide dissolves in blood plasma forming this substance, central chemoreceptor - detects drop in pH of blood, blood pressure drops below normal - baroreceptor in aortic arch and carotid artery less stimulated, blood pressure increase above normal - vasodilation occurs, reduces resistance of blood flow, fight or flight - in the state of emergency, excitement, panic,

Form 4 Quiz : Homeostasis


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