A: I heard you ____ to Yuna's violin concert yesterday. How was it? B: It was ____. I ____ I can play the violin ____ her someday. A: I didn't know you knew ____ to play the violin. B: I can, but I'm not ____ at it ____. A: Look at these pictures. I grew these vegetables ____. I have my ____ garden. B: Cool! Do you know ____ to cook the vegetables you grow, ____ A: Yes, my grandmother ____ me. A: Do you enjoy ____ books, Yumi? B: Yes, I ____ reading science books. ____ about you? A: I love reading ____, too. B: Then, let's ____ to the library after school today. A: What ____ you do on the ____, Minsu? B: I ____ breakfast for my ____. A: Do you enjoy ____ B: Yes, I'm a good ____ My family ____ my cooking. A: Jiyun, that's a pretty backpack! ____ did you ____ it? B: My sister made it ____ me. A: Wow! She's a really good ____. B: Yes, she is. And she enjoys ____ clothes, too. A: Thank you for our interest ____ our club. B: Hi, nice to meet you. A: When did you start ____ the violin? B: I started learning ____ to play the violin ____ I was ten. A: Do you have any ____ playing the violin? B: Yes, I was a ____ of an orchestra when I was in elementary school. A: Great. We also ____ to teach children. Do you enjoy ____ others? B: I have no experience teaching others. But I enjoy ____ in a group, so I'd like to try.

훈민중 2학년 영어: 3과 듣기·말하기


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