1) .................. is energy that moves between objects of different temperatures. a) Heat b) Conduction c) Convection d) Radiation 2) ................. the transfer or movement of heat between two materials that are touching. a) Heat b) Conduction c) Convection d) Radiation 3) ............... is the transfer of heat within a liquid or a gas a) Heat b) Conduction c) Convection d) Radiation 4) ............... is the movement of heat without matter to carry it a) Heat b) Conduction c) Convection d) Radiation 5) Heat from the sun travels through space by convection.  a) True b) False 6) Heat moves by conduction between solids that are touching.  a) True b) False 7) Heat from a campfire warms the air around it by convection only.  a) True b) False 8) Heat from a campfire warms the air around it by radiation.  a) True b) False 9) Heat can not travel through space. a) True b) False 10) Heat moves from a ..….......... object to a .....…… object. a) warmer / cooler b) cooler / warmer 11) Heat is the energy that moves between objects of different .................. a) temperatures b) Conduction c) Convection 12) ................... is the transfer or movement of heat between two objects that are touching. a) Radiation b) Convection c) Conduction 13) ............... ….. is the transfer of heat through liquids and gases. a) Radiation b) Conduction c) Convection 14) .................….. is the transfer of heat without matter to carry it. a) Convection b) Conduction c) Radiation d) temperatures 15) Heat travels from campfire by …................ and …................. a) temperatures b) convection c) radiation 16) …........ is the most important way heat can move. a) Radiation b) convection 17) Letter ( a- ) in the picture refers to  a) conduction b) convection c) radiation 18) Letter ( b- ) in the picture refers to  a) conduction b) convection c) radiation 19) Letter ( c- ) in the picture refers to  a) conduction b) convection c) radiation 20) Conduction is the transfer or movement of heat between two materials that are not touching. a) True b) False 21) Heat can travel through space. a) True b) False 22) How does heat from the sun get to Earth? a) by conduction b) by convection c) by radiation 23) Heat energy is that moves between objects of different temperatures. a) True b) Fasle

“What Is Heat?”


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