John is ____ Anna. They have an ____ life together. ____, they do something ____ and ____. Last month, they went hiking. This month, they plan to go to the beach. On weekdays, they ____. They ____ watching movies and ____ on weekends. John and Anna both work hard. Sometimes, they do ____, ____ when they have a big project. John has a friend, Mike, who is ____. Mike ____ his kids and sees them every weekend. John and Anna always meet Mike at the park on Sundays. They have fun together and enjoy their time. John loves his life with Anna and looks forward to their exciting adventures. This morning is rainy and ____. ____, I feel ____. I hate ____ days because everything looks gray and cold. As I walk, I see a man ____ a bus stop. He looks familiar. Then I remember him. He is the man ____ dog I help last month. ____ on the vet's wall, he smiles with his dog. The man waves at me and says, "Thank you again for finding my dog. You are ____!" His kind words make me feel better. When I arrive at work, it is still ____ to focus, but remembering the man's smile and gratitude makes my day brighter. Even on a rainy and foggy day, small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

*Beginner. Extra vocabulary.


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