1) The Boers settled in the fertile lands around Cape Town, South Africa. a) True b) False 2) “Boers” is what the British settlers called themselves after claiming the land. a) True b) False 3) Could blacks participate in political elections? a) Only well-known black figures. b) Yes, without standing for the parliament. c) No, they couldn’t. 4) In 1658, the Dutch only imported black slaves from Angola. a) False b) True 5) What did the "Immorality Act" prohibit? a) Sexual intercourse between blacks to avoid reproduction. b) Blacks to buy whites’ lands. c) Sexual intercourse between whites and blacks. 6) The Dutch migration called “The Great Trek” was made because they were against British rule. a) True b) False 7) When was the Treaty of Vereeniging signed? a) 1910 b) 1900 c) 1902 8) General Hertzog was interested in a) getting rid of black people. b) looking after the interests of poor black workers. c) looking after the interests of poor white workers. 9) SELECT the colony that was NOT controlled by the British in 1909. a) Natal b) Transvaal c) Cape Colony 10) Black and white people used to live all together as a huge community. a) True b) False

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