1) I get ______________ when I have to watch dubbed films. a) annoyed b) annoying 2) I visited Paris last year. What an _____________ city! a) amazed b) amazing 3) I find climate change ___________. a) worried b) worrying 4) When I tried to pay the bill, I didn't have enough cash. How ______________! a) embarrassed b) embarrassing 5) I do not like thunderstorms. They are _______________! a) frightening b) frightened 6) I can't watch the new film tonight and I am _______________. a) disappointed b) disappointing 7) My best friend has not answered the phone for 3 days. I am _____________. a) worrying b) worried 8) The spa was amazing. I feel so ______________. a) relaxed b) relaxing 9) I enjoy cooking, but cooking every evening is ________________. a) tired b) tiring 10) I wasn't expecting that ending in the book. It was ________________. a) surprised b) surprising

Adjectives ending in -ing or -ed


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