Friction - Force that causes resistance to movement between two layers, Elastic Energy - Stored energy that builds up in a rock as it gets compressed or stretched, Kinetic Energy - Energy of moving objects this gets released when the rock reaches its elastic limit, Seismic Waves - Waves of energy released when a rock fractures, Fault Scarp - Shelf of exposed rock above a fault line, Focus - Actual location inside the crust where the rock has fractured, Epicenter - Location directly above the focus on Earth's surface, Hanging Wall - Block of rock that sits on TOP of a fault , Foot Wall - Block of rock that sits UNDER a fault, Normal Fault - When the hanging wall gets pushed upwards relative to the foot wall, Reverse Fault - When the hanging wall gets pulled downwards relative to the foot wall, Strike-Slip Fault - When two blocks of rock try to slide past one another horizontally, Compression - When two blocks of rock get pushed together they experience this kind of force, Tension - When two blocks of rock get pulled apart they experience this kind of force, Shear - When two blocks of rock slide past horizontally in opposing directions they experience this kind of force, Fault - Fracture in the crust caused by the sudden release of elastic energy stored while the rock experiences push/pull,



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