These children ____ playing at school. They're blind. They ____ see but they ____ all read, write, ____ a computer and ____ basketball. How ____ they do these things? Leo ____ us how. Question: What ____ this girl doing, Leo? Answer: She's ____. She uses braille to ____. Braille letters are small bumps. She feels the bumps with ____ fingers. Question: Can blind children ____ computers? Answer: Yes, they can. The computers ____ information to you. They also ____ to you. You ____ to the computer and it ____ the words. Question: What ____? Answer: ____ listening to his phone. The phone ____ to him! There are special phones for ____ people with braille or big buttons. Question: Is it difficult to walk to the shops or to school? Answer: Some children use a long cane. The cane ____ them feel where things ____ in the street. Some children have ____ a dog. The dog ____ their eyes and ears. It ____ to every sound in the street. Question: What sports can blind people ____? Answer: They can play goalball. The ball goes beep, beep, beep. The child can ____ it and knows where it ____. Blind people can also play blind ____. The ball has got a bell inside it so you can hear it. Question: Do you ____ blind football, Leo? Answer: Yes, I ____! I'm blind. ____ this on my computer!

AS2 U5 Reading Blind


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