INTRODUCTION: Well, I would like to compare and contrast these two pictures., A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PHOTOS (ACTION, LOCATION): I'd like to start with describing the first picture., It shows a person (doing something), It seems that …, As for the second picture, it shows a man (doing something), There is / are …, SAYING WHAT THE PICTURES HAVE IN COMMON: The pictures have a lot in common., The pictures do not have much in common., As I have already mentioned, they both deal with …, It is quite obvious that the pictures are connected by the same topic. It is ..., Both pictures show us …, We can see ... in both pictures., Firstly,… Secondly,… Thirdly, …, SAYING IN WHAT WAY THE PICTURES ARE DIFFERENT: However, both pictures have great differences., In the first picture this person is (doing something.) There seems to be ..., However, in the second picture the man seems to (do something), However, there are some differences between these two pictures., EXPRESSING YOUR PREFERENCE AND OPINION: As for me..., I would prefer..., In my opinion the situation in the second picture is much better as it is aimed..., I wish there were..., so we should…as it's shown in the second picture., I have always wanted to try ..., It suits me better., I am keen on it / doing smth., I think it’s…., CONCLUSION: That is all I wanted to say.,


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