1) _____ is your birthday? a) What b) Where c) Who d) When 2) ____ do you go to school?   a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 3) ____ are they? 彼らはどこにいる? a) Who b) What c) Where d) when 4) _____ do you live? - I live in Nagoya city. a) What b) When c) Where d) Who 5) ____ is the library? - It's on the second floor. a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 6) ____ is your name? a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 7) ____ is your hero? a) Who b) What c) When d) Where 8) ______ is she? a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 9) _______ is it?  a) What b) Who c) Where d) When 10) ________ is you school? a) Where b) Who c) What d) When 11) _____ are you from? a) Where b) What c) Who d) When

G1 Unit3-1 When / Where (what/who)


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