1) Kim is always fun to be around, there's always something exciting happening. a) There's never a dull moment with Kim around. b) There aren’t any boring times with Kim around. c) There is not a dull minute with Kim around. 2) Paul is very generous and would help you in any way he can. a) Paul will give you the trousers he is wearing. b) Paul would give you the shirt off his back. c) Paul will buy a new shirt whenever you want it. 3) You can trust Lena to keep your secrets. a) You can talk to Lena and you know it will not travel to others. b) You can talk to Lena and you know it won’t go on. c) You can talk to Lena and you know it will go no further. 4) Penny is the most fun person at a party, she makes everyone happy. a) Penny's the life and soul of the party. b) Penny's the soul and life at the party. c) Penny's the living soul in the party. 5) Lynn lies a lot, you can't trust what she says. a) You can't believe a word Lynn says, she's so two-tongued. b) You can't believe a word Lynn says, she's so two-faced. c) You can't believe a word Lynn says, she's so double-faced. 6) I like having talks with people where we can explore issues in detail a) I like people you can have a really down-deep conversation with. b) I like people you can have a really deep-in conversation with. c) I like people you can have a really in-depth conversation with. 7) Linda is very calm and doesn't get upset easily, no matter what happens. a) It takes a lot to ruffle Linda's feathers. b) It takes a lot to rumple Linda's hair. c) It takes a lot to mess-up Linda's fur. 8) It's important to have friends who will support you through difficult times. a) You need friends who will stand next to you in a crisis. b) You need friends who will stand by you in a crisis. c) You need friends who will walk along with you in a crisis. 9) Farida and I have different opinions about politics. a) Farida and I don't have our eyes together about politics. b) Farida and I don't look eye into eye about politics. c) Farida and I don't see eye to eye about politics. 10) John isn't very intelligent, he has trouble understanding things. a) John isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. b) John isn't the biggest fork on the plate.  c) John isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. 11) I don’t trust Bill at all, not one bit. a) I wouldn't trust Bill as long as I could hit him. b) I wouldn't trust Bill as far as I could throw him. c) I wouldn't trust Bill as high as I could move him. 12) Danny and I share a lot of interests. a) Danny and I have a lot on common. b) Danny and I have a lot commonly. c) Danny and I have a lot in common. 13) Ronnie gets angry very easily and quickly. a) Ronnie's problem is that he's very angry-tempered. b) Ronnie's problem is that he's very hot-temper. c) Ronnie's problem is that he's very hot-tempered. 14) Lenny suddenly stopped all contact with me and didn’t reply to any messages. a) Lenny ghosted me. b) Lenny made me a ghost. c) Lenny got me ghosted.

Personality: What makes a good friend - Focus on form


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