1) Imray went to visit his mother in England 2) Strickland was a doctor  3) Who was Strickland? 4) What's the name of the dog? 5) The narrator was a friend of Imray. 6) What happened to Bahadur Khan at the end of the story? 7) Why did the dog stay outside during the night? 8) Why did the narrator stay in Strickland's house? 9) Why did Bahadur Khan kill Imray? 10) What kind of snake killed Imray? 11) How did they find Imray? 12) The snake was behind the wall  13) Strickland was afraid of the noises during the night. 14) What happened when the narrator was sleeping? 15) All the servants say that Imray went to Europe. 16) Imray was Bahadur Khan's best friend.

Imray came back


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