1) How’s the weather today? 2) Did you watch the game last night? 3) Have you been to any good restaurants recently? 4) You have to ______ (complete) your homework before you can play. 5) She has to ______ (leave) early today. 6) He had to ______ (work) late last night. 7) Are you looking for a new job? 8) What job are you applying for? 9) Can you describe your ideal job? 10) A teacher ______ (profession) is someone who teaches students. 11) A receptionist ______ (occupation) works at the front desk of an office. 12) I’m sorry I’m late. The traffic was ______ (bad). 13) I promise to ______ (help) you with your homework. 14) I’m sorry I missed your call. I was ______ (in a meeting). 15) Have you seen the new superhero movie? 16) Have you ever watched a movie in another language? 17) I have never ______ (see) that actor before. 18) Have you ever ______ (listen) to classical music? 19) She has never ______ (be) to a live concert. 20) They have never ______ (hear) this song before. 21) The movie was very ______ (exciting/excited). 22) I am ______ (bored/boring) with this book. 23) The news was ______ (surprised/surprising). 24) Do you agree that exercise is important? 25) What do you think about online learning? 26) I ______ (disagree) with the idea that everyone should drive a car. 27) We need to ______ (look after) our environment. 28) He ______ (build) a house last year. 29) She ______ (recognize) his face from the TV show. 30) They will ______ (take over) the project next month. 31) The children are ______ (move around) the playground. 32) I have to ______ (do) the housework this weekend. 33) She ______ (feed) the cat every morning. 34) He ______ (look like) his father. 35) It will ______ (rain) tomorrow. 36) She might ______ (come) to the party. 37) They will be able to ______ (finish) the project on time. 38) We are going to ______ (have) a great time at the beach. 39) She is planning to ______ (spend) time with her family. 40) He is going to ______ (do) a degree in engineering. 41) They are planning to ______ (live) abroad next year. 42) I am going to ______ (take) photos of the event. 43) We are planning to ______ (learn) how to cook. 44) She is going to ______ (get) a suntan at the beach. 45) Can I help ______ (make) tickets for the charity event? 46) We should ______ (put) an advert in the paper. 47) Let’s ______ (make) posters for the event. 48) We need to ______ (buy) food and drink for the party. 49) Who will ______ (put up) posters around the town? 50) Can you ______ (write) quiz questions for the event? 51) We are planning to ______ (have) a live band. 52) They will ______ (hire) a karaoke machine. 53) She is very ______ (shy) in new situations. 54) He is ______ (bright) and always gets good grades. 55) The classroom is ______ (noisy) during break time. 56) She can be ______ (stubborn) sometimes. 57) He feels ______ (moody) in the mornings. 58) She is very ______ (patient) with children. 59) He can be ______ (lazy) on weekends. 60) She is ______ (ambitious) and wants to be a doctor. 61) He is ______ (mature) for his age. 62) She is always ______ (polite) to everyone. 63) He can be ______ (aggressive) when playing sports. 64) She is ______ (helpful) and likes to assist others. 65) He is very ______ (organized) with his work. 66) She is ______ (considerate) and thinks of others. 67) He is ______ (easy-going) and never gets stressed. 68) She can be ______ (selfish) and only thinks of herself. 69) He is ______ (unreliable); he is often late. 70) She is ______ (insensitive) to others’ feelings. 71) He is ______ (immature) and acts like a child. 72) She is ______ (dishonest) and often lies. 73) He is ______ (unfriendly) and doesn’t like to talk to people. 74) She is ______ (inactive) and doesn’t exercise much. 75) He is ______ (impatient) and can’t wait for anything. 76) She is ______ (disorganized) and loses things often.

Pre-intermediate A2 level final exam


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