Sclera - The white of the eye, Cornea - Clear outer covering of the eye, Optic nerve - Carries nerve impulses to the part of the brain that interprets visual stimuli, Pupil - Opening through which light enters the eye, Suspensory ligaments - Structures that attach to the lens and adjust for near and far vision, Vitreous humor - Gel-like fluid that helps the eye keep its shape, Conjunctiva - Mucous membrane, keeps eye from drying out, Aqueous humor - Watery fluid that helps cornea keep its shape, Iris - Colored part of the eye, adjusts to allow different amounts of light through pupil, Lens - Convex shaped flexible structure in eye that continues bending of light, Ciliary body - Produces aqueous humor, helps adjust lens for near and far vision, Retina - Lining on the back of the eye where photoreceptors are located, Blind spot - Area where the optic nerve connects to the eye, contains no photoreceptors, Choroid coat - Vascular tissue between retina and sclera, Fovea centralis - Area of the retina that contains only cones, Merkel cells - touch receptors in the skin that sense pressure, Free nerve endings - Skin receptors that respond to pain, temperature and mechanical simulation, Hair follicle - structure in the skin that responds to movement, Meissner corpuscle - Sensory receptor that responds to vibration,

Eyes and Skin


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