1) What are some common phrases and expressions used in business meetings? a) "Let's circle back to that."  b) "Break a leg."  c) "All's fair in love and war."  2) How do you handle difficult conversations, such as giving constructive criticism or addressing conflicts, in a professional manner? a) Raise your voice to assert dominance.  b) Use "I" statements.  c) Avoid addressing the issue directly. 3) What role does body language play in office communication, and how can you use it to your advantage? a) Body language conveys non-verbal cues that can reinforce or contradict spoken messages.  b) Body language is irrelevant in office communication. c) Crossing your arms always shows authority.  4) How do you handle situations where you do not understand what a colleague is saying? a) Nod and pretend you understand.  b) Interrupt them immediately to express your confusion. c) Politely ask for clarification. 5) What are the benefits of using formal versus informal language in different office contexts? a) Is always preferred because it makes everyone feel relaxed.  b) Establishes professionalism and clarity.  c) Should be avoided because it makes you seem distant and unapproachable. 

Unit 6: Spoken English for office staff


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