1) The number of dimension, a solid has.......... a) 8 b) 3 c) 6 d) 12 2) Euclid'sdivision his famous treatise The Elements into .......chapters a) 13 b) 12 c) 11 d) 9 3) Boundaries of solids are....... a) surfaces b) lines c) curves d) points 4) Pythagoras was a student of ...... a) Thales b) Euclid c) Archimedas d) None 5) Which of the following need a proof....... a) Axioms b) Definition c) Theorem d) Postulate 6) Euclid's belongs to the country.......... a) Egypt b) Rome c) Bobylonia d) Greece 7) The total number of proposition in the Elements...... a) 460 b) 465 c) 55 d) 60 8) A pyramid is solid figure,the base of which is ...... a) only a polygon b) only a triangle c) only a square d) only a rectangle 9) The three steps from solids to points are....... a) points-solids-lines-surfaces b) surfaces-solids-points-lines c) solids-surfaces-lines -points d) None of the above 10) The number of dimensions,a point has.......... a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 0 11) In Indus valley civilazation 300 BC ,The bricks used for construction work having dimension in the ratio...... a) 1:3:4 b) 4:2:1 c) 4:4:1 d) 4:3:2 12) Statements which are self evident... a) Conjecture b) Theorem c) Axiom d) None 13) Greek's emphasized on..... a) Inductive reasoning b) Deductive reasoning c) A and B d) Practical use of Geometry 14) Two distinct lines cannot have more than .......point in common a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) Infinite 15) Which of the following is an undefined terms...... a) Angle b) Curve c) point d) line ,point,plane 16) The word Geometry is derived from..... a) Latin b) Greek c) English d) Sanskrit 17) Statements which are neither proved nor disproved are called...... a) Axiom b) postulate c) Theorem d) Conjecture 18) Euclid has written........ a) sulab sutras b) The Elements c) Boudhayan d) None 19) The Indian mathematician who used Pythagorean triplets..... a) Boudhayan b) Aryabhatta c) Ramanujan d) Bhaskaracharya 20) The author of '' THE ELEMENTS" a) Thales b) Plato c) Euclid d) Pythagoras



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