1) What word makes the air sound? a) near b) ear c) beard d) bare 2) What word makes the air sound? a) fear b) share c) ear d) beard 3) What word makes the ear sound? a) wear b) bare c) near d) pair 4) What word makes the ear sound? a) beard b) stairs c) bear d) pear 5) What word makes the air sound? a) fear b) pear c) tear d) ear 6) What word makes the air sound? a) wear b) near c) rear d) beard 7) What word makes the air sound? a) here b) hair c) hear d) mirror 8) What word makes the ear sound? a) air b) pair c) ear d) share 9) What word makes the air sound? a) stairs b) fear c) tree d) ear 10) What word makes the air sound? a) beard b) near c) fear d) care

Vowel + /r/ Sounds in air and fear


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