1) Why do George and Lennie leave the ranch in Weed? a) Lennie stole the farmers rabbit b) Lennie was accused of rape after stealing a girls dress. c) George wanted to go to a new farm 2) What does Lennie keep asking for at the start that angers George? a) Food b) Ketchup c) To go home. 3) Who is the bosses son? a) Slim b) Crooks c) Curley 4) Why does Curley not like Lennie? a) He doesn't like big guys b) He thinks he's flirting with his wife c) He doesn't like rabbits. 5) What is Crooks segregated? a) Because he's black. b) The men don't like him c) There was no room in the bunkhouse. 6) Why did the men shoot Candy's dog? a) Because they didn't like dogs b) Because he was old and smelly c) They wanted more room in the bunkhouse 7) Why does this scare Candy? a) He feels the same as his dog and is scared he'll be replaced. b) He's scared of guns. c) He's scared he won't get another dog. 8) Why did Lennie crush Curley's hand? a) He is told to by George b) He doesn't like Curley c) Because Curley attacks him 9) What happens to Curley's wife? a) Curley kills her. b) She goes off to be in the movies. c) Lennie kills her while stroking her hair. 10) What does George tell Lennie about before he shoots him? a) He tells him he is sorry. b) He tells him the dream of their farm again. c) He tells him he has no other choice but to shoot him.

Of Mice and Men whole book quiz.


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