the house chores - do, the dishes - do, a (special) dish / a cake / gingerbread cookies - make, nothing (or something, anything, everything) - do, sports, fitness, exercise - do, the bed - make, friends with - make, hair, nails, make-up - do, a to-do list - make, a decision / a choice / a promise - make, your/my/his best - do, a course in Engineering / a project on Medieval Architecture - do, homework - do, housework - do, a (compulsive) purchase - make, the cooking / the cleaning / the laundry - do, an excuse for not doing something - make, a speech in public - make, damage to the environment - do, an appointment with dentist / therapist - make, a terrible / a silly / a common mistake - make, a monthly payment - make,

MAKE vs DO flashcards


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