The charts show the expected changes in energy capacity between 2012 and 2030., Clearly, there will be an overall increase in energy production, , with a significant drop in the use of fossil fuels and a rise in renewables., Energy production is predicted to increase dramatically in 18 years,, rising from 5.578GW to 10.59GW between 2012 and 2018. , Another noticeable feature is that the proportion of fossil fuels used will fall by a third,, decreasing from 64% in 2012 to 44% in 2030., By contrast, the energy capacity of solar and wind power will jump significantly,, rising from 2% to 18% and 5% to 12 % respectively. , Use of other renewables, however, will fall slightly from 22% to 19%. , Other forms of energy like nuclear and those with flexible capacity will continue to supply a small amount of energy,, with nuclear energy falling slightly from 6% to 5% , and flexible capacity doubling from 1% to 2% between 2012 and 2030,

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