1) There are _____ books on the table. a) some b) any 2) There aren't ____ students in the classroom. a) some b) any 3) Are there ____ chairs in the living room? a) some b) any 4) There are _____ apples in the basket. a) some b) any 5) There aren't ____ cars in the parking lot. a) some b) any 6) Are there ____ pencils in your bag? a) some b) any 7) There is _____ water in the bottle. a) some b) any 8) There isn't _____ sugar in the jar. a) some b) any 9) Is there ____ milk in the fridge? a) some b) any 10) There is ____ information about the course. a) some b) any 11) There isn't ____ juice left in kitchen. a) some b) any 12) Is there ____ coffee in the cup? a) some b) any

any/some + Countables and uncountables



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