1) ... is very strict in our school. a) The teachers b) The students c) Punishments d) Discipline 2) If children ... , for example if they ... in an exam, they will probably ... . a) are wrong / cheat / punished b) behave wrong / cheating / be punish c) bahave bad / cheat / may be punished d) behave badly / cheat / be punished 3) They might even ... for inappropriate behaviour. a) gets expelled b) be expel c) be expelled d) will be expelled 4) Marc has to ... an important English exam next week. a) take b) write c) fill d) be written 5) He hopes he'll ... . a) fail b) pass c) take d) learn 6) Unfortunately, he hasn't had much time to ... , so he's worried that he might ... . a) revise / fail b) learn / fail c) study / failed d) prepare / 'll fail

EF Int/7A: Education -- vocabulary


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