If you meet the man of your dreams, - …you’ll meet his beautiful wife, too., If you dial a wrong number, - someone will always answer.,  When you are out with someone you don’t want to be seen with - …you’ll always meet a family or friend., At any event, e.g. a cinema, stadium, plane, etc, - …the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle will arrive last., If you wear a new expensive dress, - you will spill something on it., If you don’t save things on your computer, - …the monitor will freeze, or the lights will go out., If you are doing something stupid, - …someone will always be there to see you., If you go out with no makeup and wearing your worst clothes and with greasy hair, - …you’ll run into a lot of handsome boys.(And if you look great, there won’t be anybody out there.), If you drop a toast, - …it will land on the face with butter on it., If you start to walk, - …the bus will come.,


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