wind - is the moving air, precipitation - The amount of rain that falls down, humidity - the amount of water vapor in the air, temperature - the amount of heat felt in the atmosphere, atmospheric pressure - the force that the atmosphere exerts on the Earth Earth, Latitude - heat depends on the angle in which solar rays reach the Earth. closer to Equator, The hotter., Altitude - It causes temperature variation. Higher altitude leads lower temperature., Position of Mountains - They act as a natural barrier that reduces effects of winds coming to oceans. coming to oceans. They, Proximity to the sea - Humidity increases with the proximity to the sea., Ocean Currents - They can be water hot or cold that changes the temperature as it passes, Costa Rica - is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn., Climate - long term weather patterns in a region., Weather conditions - short term atmospheric phenomena. (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy They can change from one cloudy, windy, rainy).,

Climate and Weather Conditions


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