1) My siblings have a car. It's.........car. a) her b) their c) his 2) Marta has a picture. It's.........picture. a) her b) his c) my d) your 3) My dog has food. It's............food. a) its b) your c) our d) her 4) My students have a book.It's.........book. a) your b) their c) my d) his 5) My mother has a big kitchen. It's.........kitchen. a) his b) her c) our d) your 6) Mark has a pool. It's.........pool. a) her b) his c) my d) your 7) I have an English book. It's.........English book. a) your b) my c) his d) our 8) Your sister has a beautiful house. It's .........beautiful house. a) your b) his c) her d) my 9) My parents have a car. It's ......car. a) your b) their c) her d) my 10) We have a small family. It's .......small family. a) her b) our c) his d) your 11) You have a doll. It's .....doll. a) your b) my c) his d) her 12) You and I have a cat. It's......cat. a) our b) your c) her d) their 13) Your friends have a toy. It's......toy. a) your b) their c) my d) our



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