screen - flat surface of your phone, computer or TV, keypad - small set of buttons with numbers or letters used to operate any electronic device., passcode - secret set of numbers that you need to type into an electronic device e.g. phone, settings - the choices you make on a computer or other device to decide the way things look and work e.g sound, brightness etc..., pop-up - a window that appears on the screen all of a sudden, containing ads., broadband - high-speed access to internet, Wi-fi - way of connecting to internet using radio waves, coverage - the quality of a connection in a particular place, Signal - the electrical waves that carry data to a mobile phone or other device., stream - to play video or sound files while thay download( they are deleted after they're played), top up - top up (your phone) pay more money so you can make calls or have more data., hang up - to end a call, unplug - ( a device) to disconnect it from the power supply or from another device, put someone through - connect someone by phone to the person they want to talk to, get through to someone - manage to speak on the phone to the person you want to speak to., touch screen - a screen which allows you to give instructions by touching it., update - a recent change to a computer program that is sent to the user., scroll down/ up - move content on the screen up or down., swipe - move your fingers quickly across the screen to give commands,

Phones and technology. C1.1


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