It is fruit, looks like an apple, but has a different shape., It is a red vegetable, a ketchup is made of that., It is a vegetable. Rabbits like it very much. When you eat it, you have better vision., It is a vegetable. One very famous british comic has it´s surname. We should eat is, like lentils, because it is healthy. , It is a vegetable. When you cut it, you cry. It isn´t a garlic., It is a diary product. You can eat it with cereals. It can have strawbery or fruit flavour, If you cut different fruit and give it into a bowl, you have a healthy snack., It is Italian food. On the top there is usually cheese. , It is a typical Czech dish. You often eat it with cranberries., It is made from meat. You can fry it and it is a part of typical English breakfast., It is a grain product. You eat it with butter and cheese or ham. , You drink it cold. It contains a lot of sugar. It is not really healthy.,


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