1) Look at ___________ newspaper here. a) this b) these c) that d) those 2) ________ are my grandparents, and _______ people over there are my friend's grandparents. a) this / that b) these / that c) this / those d) these / those 3) ________building over there is the Chrysler Building. a) this b) these c) that d) those 4) ________ is my mobile phone and _______is your mobile phone on the shelf over there. a) this / those b) this / that c) these / those d) these / that 5) ________ photos here are much better than _________ photos on the book. a) this / those b) this / that c) these / those d) these / that 6) Are _______ your pencils here? a) this b) these c) that d) those 7) _________ bottle over there is empty. a) this b) these c) that d) those 8) John, take ________ folder and put it on the desk over there. a) this b) these c) that d) those

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