1) guitarist a) b) c) d) e) f) 2) 다섯번째 a) first b) second c) third d) fiveth e) fifth f) fourth 3) What grade are you ___ ? a) under b) of c) to d) by e) on f) in 4) 세번째 a) three b) third c) thank d) tree e) tall f) tennis 5) drummer a) b) c) d) e) f) 6) ____ do you spell your name? a) What b) How c) Who d) Window e) With f) World 7) I like listening ___ music a) for b) to c) on d) in e) by f) of 8) _____ a kite a) practicing b) playing c) picking d) frying e) flying f) feeding 9) I like ______ . a) dream b) do c) dive d) drawing e) dance f) dancing 10) I want to ___ a doctor. a) do b) be c) brush d) but e) button f) dive 11) 첫 번째 a) second b) two c) third d) first e) one f) 1 12) 다섯 번째 a) fifteen b) fiveth c) fifth d) fourth e) fourteen f) five


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