1) Being a teacher is ...than being a shop assistant. a) rewarding b) the most rewarding c) most rewarding d) more rewarding 2) Working in an office is ...than working on a building site. a) more safe b) safe c) safer d) more safer 3) A chef normally gets paid ...than a waiter. a) good b) better c) the best d) more good 4) Working as a mechanic was ...job I've ever had. a) the most tiring b) most tiring c) more tiring d) tiring 5) What is ...job in the world? a) stressful b) the most stressful c) more stressful d) most stressful 6) An actor's profession is ...than an engineer's profession.  a) creative b) most creative c) more creative d) the most creative 7) A gardener is ...job one could ever have.  a) the most repetitive b) repetitive c) more repetitive d) most repetitive

Degrees of comparison, jobs


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