1) affordable a) able to afford b) can't afford c) expensive 2) collectible a) not able to collect b) someone collected c) able to collect 3) actor a) acted yesterday b) person who acts c) act today 4) artist a) person who makes art b) art you can make c) art collector 5) speaker a) able to speak b) person who speaks to groups c) spoke yesterday 6) correctable a) able to correct b) someone who corrects c) corrected yesterday 7) powerful a) without power b) no power c) full of power 8) unjoyful a) full of joy b) not full of joy c) too much joy 9) disgraceful a) full of grace b) not full of grace c) without grace 10) thoughtful a) full of thought b) without thought c) think yesterday

WSA 4 Fountas and Pinnell Word Study


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