1) They took a rich man's son and asked for money for his safe return. a) murder b) hijacking c) theft d) kidnapping 2) She went to her business partner's house and shot her dead. a) stalking b) robbery c) murder d) rape 3) Two passengers took control of the plane and made the pilot land in the desert. a) theft b) robbery c) hijacking d) burglary 4) After the party, the man made the woman have sex against her will. a) rape b) murder c) drug dealing d) blackmail 5) We came home from holiday and found that our TV had gone. a) theft b) burglary c) robbery d) mugging 6) A teenager got into the Pentagon's computer system and donwloaded some secret data. a) hacking b) hijacking c) theft d) robbery 7) Someone tried to sell me marijuana during a concert. a) bribery b) drug dealing c) vandalism d) blackmail 8) When the police searched his car, it was full of contraband cigarrettes. a) blackmail b) smuggling c) fraud d) bribery 9) Someone threw paint on the statue in the park. a) mugging b) vandalism c) theft d) terrorism 10) He said he'd send the photos to a newspaper if the actress didn't pay him a lot of money. a) bribery b) blackmail c) fraud d) hacking 11) An armed man in a mask walked into a shop and shouted, 'Give me all the money in the till!' a) mugging b) burglary c) robbery d) theft 12) The accountant was transferring money to his own bank account. a) fraud b) bribery c) theft d) robbery 13) The builder offered the mayor a free flat in return for giving his company permission to build new flats on a piece of green land. a) fraud b) bribery c) blackmail d) hacking 14) They left a bomb in the supermarket car park, which exploded. a) theft b) vandalism c) hijacking d) terrorism 15) Somebody stole my car last night from outside my house. a) theft b) robbery c) burglary d) mugging 16) A man held out a knife and made me give him my wallet. a) theft b) robbery c) burglary d) mugging 17) A woman followed a pop singer everywhere he went, watching him and sending him constant messages on the internet. a) rape b) stalking c) blackmail d) murder

Crime and punishment


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