亲戚 - relative, 内地 - mainland China, 见面 - meet/see (each other), 大伯 - father's eldest brother, 伯母 - wife of 伯伯, 姑姑 - father‘’s sisters, 姑夫(父) - husband of 姑姑, 丈夫 - husband, 妻子 - wife, 小叔 - father's youngest brother, 婶婶 - wife of 叔叔, 姨妈 - mother's sisters (married), 婚礼 - wedding, 舅舅 - mother's brother, 演员 - actor; actress, 堂哥、堂弟 - sons of father's brothers, 表姐、表妹 - daughters of mother‘s siblings and father's sisters, 去世 - pass away, 结婚 - get married, 未来 - future,

CME 3 L4 我的亲戚B


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