1) Superlative form of WELL a) better b) the wellest c) the best 2) Comparative form of BIG a) biger b) the bigest c) bigger d) bigglier 3) Is this sentence: "I'm so proud of you! You did it so well! " correct? a) correct b) incorrect 4) Is this sentence: "What's wrong? She looks really nervously! " correct? a) correct b) incorrect 5) Przymiotnik szybki i przysłówek szybko mają taką samą formę a) prawda b) fałsz 6) Superlative form of FAR a) farther b) further c) the farthest d) the furthest 7) Adverb made out of adjective QUICK a) quickly b) quickely c) qucklly


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