1) ils ................ regarder la télévision. a) vont b) va c) allont d) ont e) sont f) a 2) Je vais...................dans la chorale de l'école a) dansé b) nager c) nagé d) danser e) chanté f) chanter 3) tu ...............faire des courses a) vais b) as c) es d) va e) vas f) allons 4) Il va aller en ville. a) She is going to go to town. b) We are going to go to town c) they are going to go to town. d) He is going to go to town. e) you are going to go to town. f) He is going to town. 5) Which one of these sentences is correct? a) Elle va finir ses devoirs b) Elle va finire ses devoirs c) Elle va commencé ses devoirs d) Nous allons mangé en ville e) Nous avons manger en ville f) nous allont manger en ville 6) I am going to borrow trousers a) Je vais emprunter des pantalons.  b) Je vais emprunter un pantalon. c) Je vais mettre un pantalon d) Je vais acheter un pantalon. e) Je vais porter un pantalon. f) Je vais porter des pantalons. 7) Ben is going to wear a red hat a) Ben va porter un chapeau rouge b) Ben va porter un rouge chapeau c) Ben va porter un chapeau rojo d) Ben va porté un chapeau rouge e) Ben a porté un chapeau rouge f) Ben a acheté un chapeau rouge 8) Madeleine, Clementine and I are going to celebrate our birthday. a) You are going to celebrate b) We are going to celebrate c) They are going to celebrate  d) She is going to celebrate e) I am going to celebrate f) You (pl) are going to celebrate 9) Martine, Luc et Thomas vont acheter des vêtements a) They are going to buy b) He is going to buy c) She is going to buy d) You are going to buy e) We are going to buy f) You (pl) are going to buy 10) The near future is used to speak about .......... a) What you have done b) What you intend to do c) What you will do d) What you are going to do e) What you did f) What you should do

Le futur proche / the near future


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