1) szczotkować włosy a) go to work b) catch the bus c) take the dog for a walk d) brush hair 2) myć zęby a) feed the dog b) get dressed c) take the dog for a walk d) brush teeth 3) ​złapać autobus a) catch the bus b) have breakfast c) wash your hands d) get dressed 4) ​karmić psa a) go to work b) have a shower c) brush hair d) feed the dog 5) ​ubierać się a) take the dog for a walk b) have a shower c) get dressed d) leave the house 6) ​iść do pracy a) ring b) take a bus c) take a shower d) go to work 7) ​jeść śniadanie a) take the dog for a walk b) feed the dog c) take a shower d) have breakfast 8) brać prysznic a) have a shower b) get dressed c) take the dog for a walk d) leave the house 9) wziąć prysznic a) catch the bus b) take a shower c) wake up d) have breakfast 10) ​wyjść z domu a) brush hair b) take a bus c) leave the house d) take a shower 11) dzwonić a) take a shower b) go to work c) ring d) catch the bus 12) ​zabrać psa na spacer a) take the dog for a walk b) get dressed c) take a shower d) take a bus 13) ​pojechać autobusem a) feed the dog b) wake up c) take a bus d) catch the bus 14) obudzić się a) wake up b) take a bus c) take a shower d) wash your hands 15) myć ręce a) take a shower b) take a bus c) wash your hands d) take the dog for a walk 16) myć twarz a) leave the house b) brush teeth c) have breakfast d) wash your face 17) codzienne czynności a) daily routines b) feed the dog c) leave the house d) ring

Unit 5 - Daily routines - Macmillan Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty część 1 (klasa 7)


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