
Poptropica 3

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Test Animals - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3)
Test Animals - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3) Označený diagram
Tiger - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3)
Tiger - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3) Označený diagram
Parrot - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3)
Parrot - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3) Označený diagram
Guess the animal - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3)
Guess the animal - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3) Spojte odpovídající
I spy - numbers 1 -100 (Pop 3 - unit 1)
I spy - numbers 1 -100 (Pop 3 - unit 1) Označený diagram
Ordinal Numbers 1 - 10
Ordinal Numbers 1 - 10 Označený diagram
Nature (Pop 3 - unit 1)
Nature (Pop 3 - unit 1) Sledujte a zapamatujte si
Easter - What am I (Pop 3)
Easter - What am I (Pop 3) Obrázkový kvíz
Who is who? (Poptropica 3 - unit 2)
Who is who? (Poptropica 3 - unit 2) Označený diagram
Carnival Costumes - Memory ⭐⭐
Carnival Costumes - Memory ⭐⭐ Shodné dvojice
Prepositions of place (Pop 3 - unit 4)
Prepositions of place (Pop 3 - unit 4) Kvíz
Prepositions ⭐⭐ (Pop 3 - unit 4)
Prepositions ⭐⭐ (Pop 3 - unit 4) Kvíz
Rabbit - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3)
Rabbit - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3) Označený diagram
Short answers - to be (Pop 3: focused on verb) - (3P-4P)
Short answers - to be (Pop 3: focused on verb) - (3P-4P) Kvíz
Physical Description (Pop 3 - unit 2) ⭐
Physical Description (Pop 3 - unit 2) ⭐ Sledujte a zapamatujte si
There is .... There are.....
There is .... There are..... Prasknutí balónku
Have got/has got (questions)
Have got/has got (questions) Náhodné kolo
Easter Vocabulary (Pop 3)
Easter Vocabulary (Pop 3) Otáčet dlaždice
It lives, it can, it has got, it is (Pop 3 - unit 3)
It lives, it can, it has got, it is (Pop 3 - unit 3) Třídění skupin
Wordsearch (Spring) - 8/9 year olds
Wordsearch (Spring) - 8/9 year olds Hledání slov
Nature (Pop 3 - unit 1)
Nature (Pop 3 - unit 1) Najít shodu
GQ's (Pop 2-3)
GQ's (Pop 2-3) Náhodné kolo
Food - definitions (Pop 2 - unit 6)
Food - definitions (Pop 2 - unit 6) Najít shodu
His/ her...
His/ her... Kvíz
Random number wheel 11-20 (Pop 1 - unit 2)
Random number wheel 11-20 (Pop 1 - unit 2) Náhodné kolo
Match the number (Pop 1)
Match the number (Pop 1) Označený diagram
School Supplies - Labelled diagram (Pop 1 - unit 2)
School Supplies - Labelled diagram (Pop 1 - unit 2) Označený diagram
School supplies (Pop 1 - unit 2)
School supplies (Pop 1 - unit 2) Kvíz
488. Classroom Objects ⭐⭐⭐
488. Classroom Objects ⭐⭐⭐ Spojte odpovídající
Family - Labelled diagram (Pop 1 - unit 3)
Family - Labelled diagram (Pop 1 - unit 3) Označený diagram
Jobs (Pop 1 - unit 3)
Jobs (Pop 1 - unit 3) Najít shodu
Family (memory) - Pop 1 (unit 3)
Family (memory) - Pop 1 (unit 3) Shodné dvojice
Family members (Pop 1 - unit 3)
Family members (Pop 1 - unit 3) Obrázkový kvíz
Numbers (1-100) - Match (Pop 2)
Numbers (1-100) - Match (Pop 2) Spojte odpovídající
Roulette 1-10 (Pop 1 - unit 1)
Roulette 1-10 (Pop 1 - unit 1) Náhodné kolo
Food - Spelling (Pop 2 - unit 6)
Food - Spelling (Pop 2 - unit 6) Anagram
Body Parts (Pop 1 - unit 4)
Body Parts (Pop 1 - unit 4) Anagram
Classroom objects (Pop 1 - u2)
Classroom objects (Pop 1 - u2) Otáčet dlaždice
Word Bingo (Spring) - 8/9 year olds
Word Bingo (Spring) - 8/9 year olds Náhodné kolo
Easter Bingo (Pop 2)
Easter Bingo (Pop 2) Náhodné kolo
Kid's box 3 unit 4: In the city
Kid's box 3 unit 4: In the city Anagram
Other animals - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3)
Other animals - body parts (Pop 3 - unit 3) Označený diagram
Numbers (1-100) - Match (Pop 3)
Numbers (1-100) - Match (Pop 3) Spojte odpovídající
Las Vocales
Las Vocales Práskni krtka
Vocabulary Animals OU3 U1
Vocabulary Animals OU3 U1 Otáčet dlaždice
ALL ABOUT US NOW 3 - UNIT 3 Obrázkový kvíz
Animals adjectives OU3 U1
Animals adjectives OU3 U1 Kvíz
Animals Hangman OU3 U1 (with clues)
Animals Hangman OU3 U1 (with clues) Kat
What time is it?
What time is it? Spojte odpovídající
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