1) Je vais à la plage a) I go to the beach b) I go to the countryside c) I go to the mountains d) I go to the supermarket e) I go to the shops f) I go to the museums 2) Je vais au bord de la mer a) I go to the countryside b) I go to the mountains c) I go to the beach d) I go to the shops e) I go to the museums f) I go to the seaside 3) Je visite des monuments a) I visit museums b) I visit restaurants c) I visit monuments d) I visit nightclubs e) I visit my aunt f) I visit my friends 4) J'achète des souvenirs a) I relax b) I dance c) I sunbathe d) I buy souvenirs e) I buy flowers f) I collect souvenirs 5) Je mange au restaurant a) I go to a restaurant b) He eats in a restaurant c) I eat in a restaurant d) I play football e) I go horse riding f) I buy souvenirs 6) Je fais de l'équitation a) I go swimming b) I play football c) I go fishing d) I go dancing e) I play basketball f) I go horseriding 7) Je fais de la natation a) I go horseriding b) I play basketball c) I go fishing d) I go swimming e) I play football f) I go dancing 8) Je fais de la planche à voile a) I go sailing b) I go windsurfing c) I go jet skiing d) I go swimming e) I go dancing f) I play football 9) Je fais les magasins a) I go shopping b) I go to the cinema c) I play tennis d) I go dancing e) I go to the museum f) I buy souvenirs 10) Je vais en bateau a) I go by car b) I go by plane c) I go by bike d) I walk e) I go by ferry f) I go by boat 11) Je vais en avion a) I go by bike b) I go by plane c) I go by boat d) I go by ferry e) I go by coach f) I go by car 12) Je vais en voiture a) I go by boat b) I go by plane c) I go by bike d) I go by car e) I go by coach f) I go by ferry 13) un gîte a) a holiday home b) a caravan c) a hotel d) a tent e) a villa f) a youth hostel 14) une auberge de jeunesse a) a hotel b) a tent c) a holiday home d) a youth hostel e) a caravan f) a villa 15) il pleut a) it rains b) it is sunny c) is it cold d) it is hot e) it snows f) it is cloudy 16) il fait du soleil a) it is cold b) it is hot c) it is sunny d) it rains e) it snows f) it is cloudy 17) il fait froid a) it is cold b) it is hot c) it is sunny d) it snows e) it rains f) it is cloudy 18) il neige a) it is cold b) it is sunny c) it is hot d) it is cloudy e) it snows f) it rains

Year 9 Holidays

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