BOTH : WHO for people, WHICH for objects and animals, WHERE for places, Use WHOSE to express posession, DEFINIG RELATIVE CLAUSES: You can use THAT to replace WHO or WHICH, Sometimes you can leave out WHO, WHICH, THAT WHERE, This relative clause DEFINES one word., You DON'T use COMMA, Emma is the woman who works in the office with me., That's the house where I was born., This is the new electric owen which I bought yesterday., Is this the plant which you wanted to throw away?, NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES: This relative clause gives EXTRA INFORMATION., You USE COMMA, You can't leave out WHO, WHICH, WHERE, You can't use THAT to replace WHO or WHICH, Budakalász, where I live, has about 10,000 inhabitants., My neighbour, who is in love with her chickens, is an idiot.  , Bejing, where I used to live in my childhood, is overpopulated., Last week I visited my aunt, who is 90 years old.,


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