1) La loro mamma è gentile a) Her mum is Kind  b) Their mum are kind c) His mum is kind d) Their mum is kind  e) Our mum is kind 2) La tua penna è verde a) You pen are green b) Your pen is green c) Your pen are green d) Your pens are green 3) Il nome di mia cugina è Emma a) Her name is Emma b) My cousin's name is Emma c) Your cousin's name is Emma d) Her's name is Emma 4) La nostra casa è lì a) Our house is there b) Their house is there c) Their our house is there d) The our house is there 5) La vostra pizza è salata a) Our pizza is salty b) Our pizza are salty c) Your pizza is salty d) Your pizza are salty 6) Puoi dirlo a sua (di lui) zia? a) Can he tell her aunt? b) Can you tell her aunt? c) Can you tell his aunt? d) Can he tell his aunt? 7) Questo è il tuo cane? a) Is this your dog? b) Is this dog your? c) Is this our dog? d) This is your dog? e) This is our dog? 8) Ho visto il loro film a) I saw they film b) They saw my film c) Their film saw me d) I saw their film 9) Ho seguito il tuo consiglio a) You followed my advice b) I followed your advice c) I followed you advice d) You followed me advice 10) Questo non è mio a) This is not mine b) This is not my c) This is my not d) The is not mine 11) MI piace di più il loro a) They like better b) I like they better c) I like them better d) I like theirs better 12) Vuoi il tuo? a) Do you want your? b) Do you want our?  c) Do you want yours? d) Do I want your? 13) Non so il suo (di lei) a) I don't know her b) You don't know her c) My don't know her d) I don't know hers  14) Il nostro è piccolo a) Ours is small b) Our is small c) Your is small d) Our are small e) Ours are small 15) Puoi vedere il mio? a) Can my see mine? b) Can your see my? c) Can you see mine? d) Can your see mine? 16) Non compro il vostro a) I don't buy yours b) I am not buy yours c) I am not buy your d) I don't buy your 17) Dov'è il tuo? a) where are you? b) where is yours? c) Where is your? d) What is yours?

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